Teeth Whitening

on Long Island

Your smile is how you say hello to the world before you speak.

From boisterous laughter to gentle encouragement, let your smile speak for you with brilliant clarity. Teeth whitening can boost your confidence so you’re ready to show off that smile at a moment’s notice.

Treat Yourself

Your teeth are resilient, but they’re also porous and responsive. Throughout your lifetime, they will encounter many substances and experiences that may dull their sparkle or stain the surface of your smile. While staining on your teeth isn’t dangerous or damaging on its own, it can damage your confidence in major ways. 

With cosmetic teeth whitening, you can experience a reversal of the staining that comes from food, drink, and other substances so you love the sparkle of your smile again.

“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.”

— Connie Stevens

Why do teeth stain?

Teeth may stain from a variety of different causes. Intrinsic (beneath the surface) and extrinsic (on top of the tooth) stains occur from early on in our lives. Some of the most common causes of tooth discoloration are below- and the great news is that teeth whitening is effective in reducing or even eliminating all of them.

  • Excessive fluoride

  • Age

  • Tobacco

  • Trauma

  • Sodas

  • Some foods

  • Wine

  • Coffee

  • Medication

Teeth Whitening: Low effort, high impact 

Teeth whitening is a simple and often relaxing experience. In one of our spa-like treatment rooms, you’ll have a tool that gently lifts the lips away from your teeth applied before brilliant blue light bleaches away stains on the surface of your teeth. As the light is absorbed by the tooth, it will sink deep within and slowly erase the discoloration from the innermost surfaces of your teeth.

 Teeth whitening requires little preparation and is an affordable treatment that immediately transforms the radiance of your smile. Your whiter teeth can make your skin look richer, lips look more pigmented and enhance the megawatt delight you’ll feel at the cosmetic confidence we can offer you through teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is done with our state-of-the-art LED light! 15 minutes are all you need, and you're guaranteed 3-12 shades lighter!

Book your teeth whitening alongside any other wellness service today!

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True beauty starts from within.

Complement your wellness journey with expert therapy services that nurture your mind and soul.

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Some of our most-asked questions are here but if there’s something else on your mind, we love to chat. Feel free to reach out and let us help you apply a laser focus to your wellness dreams.

  • Teeth whitening is safe for almost everyone. There are no adverse effects on healthy teeth and no downtime. Teeth whitening is cosmetic, noninvasive, and completely risk-free for healthy teeth.

    If you are concerned about previous dental issues, consult your dentist before scheduling your teeth whitening session.

  • After treatment, you can prolong the result you see to keep a confident smile by mindfully brushing after consuming heavily pigmented drinks like wine, coffee, or dark soda, and eliminating tobacco products.

    Additionally, using baking soda or charcoal toothpaste can help to keep the surface of the tooth in that sparkling post-whitening glamour.

  • Teeth whitening treatments take from 15-45 minutes depending on the intensity and consultation plan you create with your clinician.

    It’s a fairly quick experience and you’ll know exactly how much time you should allot when you make your appointment.

  • Teeth whitening is not a permanent fix, so to maintain your results, cosmetic teeth whitening can become a part of your regular self-care treatments.

    Without repeat sessions, you can expect results to last from a couple of months to more than a year!