Usui Reiki

Achieve inner peace and get more acquainted with your inner spirit with Reiki.

If you’re looking for a powerful holistic treatment, look no further. Reiki offers the healing touch of an experienced practitioner and the relaxation of guided meditation. It’s almost like a massage for your mind, with health benefits that extend to your physical self.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a technique developed in Japan to reduce stress and improve healing. It’s founded on the idea that our bodies contain our life energy, and if that energy reserve is low, you are more likely to feel stress or even get sick. However, if it is in ample supply, you’ll find that you feel better both physically and emotionally.

As another holistic therapy we provide, Reiki is meant to complement our talk therapy because therapy often appeals to the intellectual part of our minds, while Reiki is more attuned to our spiritual side. It’s not religious in nature, which is great for both people of faith and those who are nonreligious because it enhances your inner spirit regardless of your belief system.

Happiness resides not in possessions; and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”

— Democritus

  • Just for today, do not worry

  • Just for today, do not anger

  • Honor your parents, teachers, and elders

The Five Principles of Reiki

  • Earn your living honestly

  • Show gratitude for every living thing

A Typical Reiki Session

Reiki is like a healing massage but can be done with or without touching. You would lay fully dressed on a comfortable table and your practitioner would either hover their hands around certain areas or if you’re comfortable, they may lightly touch those areas to improve healing.  

People often report feeling heat or tingling where the practitioner is working, or sometimes even memories or colors pop into their imagination. Some people even fall asleep because the practice is so peaceful and relaxing. The best way to learn if Reiki is for you is to try it! You won’t know how it feels until you do it once, and we promise, after the first time, you’ll feel the benefits.

Why Not Bundle it?

  • Your body when stressed promotes inflammation and acne, which means more breakouts occur during those times. Keeping your stress levels down can help you clear up your skin!

    Reiki facial - $150

  • Your body can be receptive of energy in its most relaxed state. When getting a massage, one will be in peace and tranquility making it easier for reiki to do its job and run its course. This dynamic duo resets you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    Reiki Massage - $189

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Some of our most-asked questions are here but if there’s something else on your mind, we love to chat. Feel free to reach out and let us help you apply a laser focus to your wellness dreams.

  • As often as you like! Ideally, you would start with a few consecutive sessions if you’re dealing with a lot of pain. For more general cases, you can expect to do Reiki once a week or once every two weeks and expect good results.

  • Reiki is meant to work in conjunction with any treatments you are already doing. If you’re taking medication or following other procedures directed by a doctor, you should continue to do so. Reiki can be a complementary pursuit to help heal you faster and better.

  • Of course! As long as you have a qualified practitioner who you trust, Reiki is a universal practice. The specific goals of Reiki change depending on the person and the pain they are experiencing, but generally, the principle is the same.

  • Reiki targets the entire body (and spirit), so it can work to heal any issue you may have. You may feel healing in a specific area or just a general sense of well-being and relaxation, which in turn will improve your health in the long run.